
Showing posts from 2021

Filled up with the sweetness of Gumiho

Something about me you should know I converted to the religion of kdramas during the quarantine, and it is going to be a year, in a few short months. Recently I have been watching rom-coms related to gumihos, and man they are funny. The one i want to talk about today is : My girlfriend is a Gumiho. I am 3 episodes in, and the third episode sealed the deal for me. While watching today's episode  I was struck by the goodness of the writing which totally inspired this blog. Sometimes the episodes are constructed so beautifully, they keep us engaged in the story from the starting to the end. Since I will never become a writer myself, but atleast I can be a patron who admires the work, I am going to try to break down why i thought that the third episode of this show, was as good as writing can be, for a rom-com. Let's start with the last episode's cliffhanger which became the premise of this episode. I think the theme would definitely be jealousy, If the first episode was first

Being content and happy

The year 2020, was life-changing for me. Here is the summary, in a sentence - I moved to another country for the first time ever, in a global pandemic. And the stories of that year are many... Maybe for another day. But let's focus on disappointments and how they shape us. Moving to another country is no joke, and the disappointments when it comes to making friends, getting jobs and finding new experiences,  during the pandemic have not been fun. What I realized I have become besides all the amazing things, is one ugly thing - I have started to grovel and get disappointed. I have this nice conversation and have this unrealistically high expectation, that they will choose me, but then the call never comes. Somewhere deep down, even though I shake it off as normal, the rejection hurts.  I am talking about job interviews (BTW).Well today was one of the most wonderful days I had in this new country, an unspoken wish coming true.  I got to travel to a new corner of this wonderful city,