Filled up with the sweetness of Gumiho

Something about me you should know I converted to the religion of kdramas during the quarantine, and it is going to be a year, in a few short months.
Recently I have been watching rom-coms related to gumihos, and man they are funny.
The one i want to talk about today is : My girlfriend is a Gumiho.
I am 3 episodes in, and the third episode sealed the deal for me.
While watching today's episode  I was struck by the goodness of the writing which totally inspired this blog. Sometimes the episodes are constructed so beautifully, they keep us engaged in the story from the starting to the end.
Since I will never become a writer myself, but atleast I can be a patron who admires the work, I am going to try to break down why i thought that the third episode of this show, was as good as writing can be, for a rom-com.
Let's start with the last episode's cliffhanger which became the premise of this episode.
I think the theme would definitely be jealousy, If the first episode was first encounter and the second was getting to know each other, the theme for this should be jealousy.

Dae Woong is in love with his Noona, who has just discovered about the presence of Miho. This puts his character into a real pickle because he cannot in good measure explain why Mi ho is tagging along with him, and Mi ho cannot let Dae Woong go with Noona, for her own supernatural reasons pertaining to the bead.

DW : pushed and pulled in two directions
MH :  worried about beads
Noona : wooried about MH

Then comes the next storyline about the aunt and the director which is so over the top and funny, but it affects the main storyline in that the grandpa, starts liking Mi Ho which is something I really was hoping for.

Next interesting storyline  was pushing the main love couple towards each other by building trust.
Miho does something very nice for DW, and he let's her in a little, and because of that experiences the out of the world nature of this beautiful creature next to him.
The dream sequence is supposed to signify something important according to me.
After the hug they shared once she got the phone back, it stirred something in him, even though he does not recognize it, in his dream he sees Noona who hugs and touches and kisses him and he's more than willing to do it and she turns to MiHo, which could signify that he wants to be that close to Miho but he is still super afraid that she will kill him.

This is in contrast when he next meets Noona, and completely avoids her touches, for reasons he says to himself are for her safety, but it seems like some other woman touching him is a big no no in his books now. => indicating his loyalties has shifted atleast for the time being due to the presence of the bead.
He is taking responsibility for the bead and so he's taking responsibility for her.

This leads to foreshadowing of the weakness, and the fox tears myth, two interesting myths which are combined together at the very end when another plot item of doubt is slid in from the second main lead.

He puts the seed of doubt in the FL's mind and the second female lead pushes the main lead to break up with the FL.

It all satisfactorily ends at the pier when DW leave MH alone in the ship surrounded by water and she cries causing the rain and DW realizes that maybe he did the wrong thing.

What essentially happened in this episode is our main couple took care of each other and grew closer due to external circumstance but those same external circumstances caused them to take two steps back.
The supporting characters got to know about the relationship and approved it, which might be a plot point for the next episodes and the one new thing that was introduced the director discovering MiHo's talent might again be an interesting plot point for a future episode.

The current story line was  interesting and the seeds for the future made me curious. Thus a well crafted episode.


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